
About MeHobbiesVolunteering

In what way do I volunteer?

Since July 1st 2021 I have been a volunteer for Stack Up as a GameLead. I am responsible for hosting and moderating the Game Nights that I host which I've been hosting once a week (most of the time) for the past 3 years and 7 months.

What are Game Nights? Game Nights are a way for Stack Up to bring people together from all over the world to play video games and socialize with one another. We host Game Nights for a wide variety of games, from Call of Duty to Dungeons & Dragons.

The main purpose of Game Nights is to bring people together to have fun, make new friends, and to help combat isolation and loneliness by providing a safe and welcoming environment everybody is welcome.

About Stack Up

Stack Up, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that supports Active, Veteran service members and civilians from the U.S. and allied nations by promoting positive mental health and combat (mainly veteran) suicide through gaming and geek culture.

The main focus of Stack Up is directed towards Veterans and Active service members, but just about anybody is welcome to join the community as long as their over 18 years old.

Tech used in my website